Friday, January 9, 2009

Honour #4

Barack Obama, man

I’ve followed him since he spoke at the DNC in 2004.

What a refreshing change; a politician who genuinely seems to think about life on Earth and how we should try to make our world work.

Champions believe they are champions.

Yes we can.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Honour #3

Gandhi, man/film.

I’m looking for a film to honour from this year and I can’t find one. Iron Man? It was good but it didn’t make me think. Dark Knight? I love Batman, and Ledger is great, but is it worth an end of year honour on my blog? Napes.

I wish I had a great Indie film to recommend, but I don’t. I didn’t see very many new movies this year.

But I did see a great old movie. And by great, I mean marvelous. And by marvelous, I mean “this movie will change your life.”

Gandhi. It’s 3 hours, it’s sprawling, and it is fantastic.

Why do we wear t-shirts with Che on them? Why don’t we wear Gandhi t-shirts? He was operating on a level that few humans in the history of humans have operated on.

Gandhi dat di jai! Gandhi dat di jai!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Honour #2

Guns N Roses, rock band

How many bands could disappear for fifteen years and still make the news the way Axl does? I listened to Use Your Illusion I & II exclusively for three weeks this past October-November. I’d never really listened to them in full before. They blew my mind.

Chinese Democracy is a great album, dense with sound & intrigue. How many rock bands are there left? How many are of the stature of Guns N Roses?

Rolling Stones? Led Zeppelin? Who else?

My World, which is the last song on Use Your Illusion II, was added to the album by Axl without the knowledge of the rest of the band. That song, in 2008, is still terrifying.

G N’ F’N R

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Honour #1

True Blood, television series.

What a show! Great characters, twists & turns, and quality production values. Combining supernatural drama with civil & moral dilemmas makes for a great ride. Audience numbers have been steadily growing and there is a green light for a second season.

Vampires came back in a big way in 2008. My next trip is to the American South. Interesting accents, no work ethic, moderate temperatures, & vampiric atmosphere.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nuevo Ano

A new year. This is the 30th year that I have been breathing air on this planet.
I’m going to commemorate the year that was by giving out 2008 Honours to those that deserve.

The goal for this year is to release 1 piece of media a week. I’ve stated this goal before but hopefully I will be able to follow through this time.

The concept for 2009 is Regimentation.

Enjoy! (?)