Thursday, January 31, 2008

Belle Ville

I’m heading to Quebec City with a group of friends tomorrow.

It seems that whenever I have a day of driving ahead of me there is always a colossal snow storm. What would have been a day of a relaxed, yet long, drive has become one of anxiety as I monitor the weather reports.

No matter. Once I am warm at the chalet we have rented at the base on Mont Sainte Anne all will be well. We’ll ski and then we’ll après ski. What more is there?

Well . . .

It is the 400th Anniversary of the founding of Quebec City and we will be heading in to the city to help the locals with the revelry & celebration. Four hundred years can seem so long and so short at the same time. Either way, the wine will taste just as good.

Like the founders of the Beautiful City we too will have to battle through wind and snow to arrive at our destination. And like them, we will find that it was well worth it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I’ve said it before, and I am quite sure I will say it again: His name is Rayzor.

I said it all last year and the guy took us to the finals. Martin Gerber has won one Stanley Cup Playoff game. One. Rayzor has battled it out with the Dominator on his shoulder. Ray can not only handle the pressure but thrive on it. How many goalies out there can you say that about?

Rayzor’s competitive spirit and confidence help this team in win games they must win. Granted, Ray needs to buckle down a bit, but he knows that, and he will do.

Anyone who thinks we should trade this guy is very bold. That would mean the season would rest on the shoulders of Gerbs. Darth Gerber can be good, no denying, but can he be great when it counts? I’m not sure.

I’ve got confidence in Ray because, as I said before, and will say again:

His name is Rayzor.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Okay, so I didn’t get a video or song up for you this weekend. I put up the photo at the bottom of the page. It was taken during the protest against George W. Bush’s first visit to Canada. The police had blocked off Wellington & Sussex. This cop took a balloon full of paint to the face.

I am so tired today it is insane. Spring is less then sixty days away.

Monday, January 28, 2008


The stock market is volatile which is never really very good for anyone. It basically means that the people with money are wondering if they can actually make any money by investing it. When they don’t think they can make cash they stop investing which means that companies aren’t starting up, new products aren’t being created, and money, in general, is tight.

I sensed this was going to happen a couple of months ago (there were signs everywhere).

The thing that is weird about our economic structure is that we really need it to always be growing for it to work. Growth is needed for stability. How is that sustainable? How can an economy always grow? Won’t it eventually plateau?

I find stock market volatility stressful. I remember the recession in the late 80s and early 90s as being a stressful time. Perhaps in those formative years of life my parents were stressed and that resulted in me having an adverse reaction to any economic instability.

Friday, January 25, 2008


People need to chill on the Sens. Obviously we want them to win every game they play but we all know that isn’t going to happen. While we can get angry at them for their lack of effort let’s try and keep in mind the important goal for this season.

Win the Cup. If the Sens make the final and lose this year will be a failure. Winning the Cup is the only level of success that is acceptable for this team.

It has to be pretty hard for a team that has that in mind (because they do) to get excited to play their best hockey in the dog-days of January against pathetic teams like Tampa Bay and Florida. The only game the Sens needed to win this month was against Detroit and they did that.

The Sens will take a nice break for the All-Star game and they will come back to begin the tune-up towards the playoffs. They needed a statement game going into the break and they did that with the help of Alfie/Future Hugo.

Go Sens Go

PS The story behind Future Hugo will be featured next week. Stay tuned . . .

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Blood of the Earth

There Will Be Blood is a fantastic film about the two most important things in America: capitalism and religion. Daniel Day-Lewis gives an astonishing performance. Working with an actor of his caliber must be a wondrous experience for all involved. The score is stressful and foreboding. The shots and sets are meticulously composed and beautifully lit. When a movie is truly great it converses with the audience. This film serves as a 2 hour and forty minute discussion of obsession, isolation, and value. Paul Thomas Anderson has created a fantastic work that has taken him to the level of the new master of Hollywood film.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The death of Heath Ledger is sad. Those of us who enjoyed his performances feel as if we know him, or, are connected in some way. What relationship do we have with another human who we communicate, albeit one-sidedly, through machines and screens?

There is no such thing as invincibility. Death has wrought its sword and left distress in the strike it cleaves.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


If I can get into some type of routine here I should be able to post something of interest (in the interest of something) every day. On the weekend I will post either a video, or song.

So . . .

written word = week
audio-visual = weekend treat

Regimentation is the lifeblood of productivity.

Today’s note of interest:

I got Alone: The home recordings of Rivers Cuomo for Xmas and I just gave it a listen last night as I drove through the blistering cold to go play hockey. I am heartily enjoying it. It has re-kindled my affinity for Weezer as well. Weezer used to be an important band to me. Alone has reminded me that Rivers really likes making music and that I should just forget/ignore all the baggage/expectation that gets thrown onto Weezer. They make rock music. Dig it or don’t.

I am going to have to give the Green Album another try.

What I also like about Alone is that I can relate to Rivers just putting some music down on tape and working it out by himself. It encourages me to do the same with whatever art I am working on.